September has become our 'Backwards' jam month and is always a whole lot of fun. The idea of the Backwards Jam is to tell
a story by drawing the last panel (Panel #6) first. So, you start with the ending of the story and everyone else has to draw
panels 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 going backwards to find out how things happened. One of the hardest panels to draw is the one in the
#1 slot (how did all this start anyway??)
So, when reading the following comics, remember that they
were not drawn consecutively--they were drawn in reverse order. The stories are quite funny read traditionally (starting w/
panel 1) or reading them backwards (starting w/ panel 6)
Thanks to all the brave jammers who gave
it a try: Clayton Jacobs, Andrew Stutt, Scott MacLellan, Liz Walsh, James Rule, Jason Chen, Amy VanTorre, Sarah Tuepah, Susan
Shore, Dwight Williams, gerard belec, Shawn Philip Hunsdale, Hannah Vlaar, Nathan Bowler, Caitlin Bourbonnais and Mike Valiquette.
again to the Shang for providing a supportive, creative space and being accommodating to our many strange requests!
Cheers, Suzanne.