We had an excellent turnout for the first Jam of the year! Over 10 eager artists packed the
Shanghai with their burning passion and creativity. Thanks for your patience for the long wait on the uploads!
Thanks to our regular and semi-regular artists for coming out: Douglas McLeod, Dwight Williams,
Liz Walsh, Steve Bissonnette, Clayton Jacobs, Mike Valiquette, Gérard Bélec and Andrew Stutt! Also welcome to Keith Savage,
one of our new artists who turned up and contributed fun and interesting twists to the storylines ;-)
I also want to thank the friendly members of the press, journalism students at both Carleton
University and Algonquin College for their continued interest in the Jam and promoting it in the local media.
Steve Bissonnette's 'warm-up' sketches helped provide inspiration for this story
Andrew Stutt kicked off this strange tale of puppetry...
Keith Savage's twisted imagination helped start this tooth shattering tale...
Suzanne Marsden took inspiration from the Shanghai's sexy bar lamp to begin this story...
Gérard Bélec began this folk-tale singalong story!
Clayton Jacobs' creative talents helped spur this comic story...
We have Liz Walsh's initial drawing to thank for this disturbing tale of 'fashion' through
the ages....
Douglas McLeod's thematic suggestion of Olympic Mascots comes to full-flower in this odd
Mike Valiquette got this superhero one on its way! | | | | | |
Dwight Williams started this one off and got us all creatively thinking about doom and the
end-of-the-world.... | | | | | |