I was stunned by the great response to the August theme of 'Mythology'. Folks came prepared! We had all kinds of Gods &
Goddesses represented, and thankfully none of us were struck by lightning on the way out of the Shang when the jam ended around
Thanks to all the jammers who came out and gave the theme 'their all': Clayton Jacobs, Scott
MacLellan, James Rule, Liz Walsh, Andrew Stutt, Nathan Bowler, Cristian S. Aluas, Amy VanTorre, Gerard Belec, Suze Shore and
special guest John Szeger.
This jam marked the Ottawa Comic Jam sporting THREE jamming writers amongst
the art group. It also spawned a fun occurence where a writer helped offer creative ideas to the jamming artists. This has
taken off and we've had some great jams as a result.